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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Star Wars Cupcakes

It was my lovely boyfriend's birthday on Sunday and I made him Star Wars cupcakes!
I had the idea aaaages ago and I was getting very impatient.
The cakes themselves are just a simple chocolate sponge with coloured vanilla buttercream frosting.
The tricky part was the sugarpaste faces to decorate the tops.
I had never worked with sugarpaste before so I found it tricky, especially trying to turn it black for The Darth Vaders!
I used a small bell cookie cutter for Darth and a small circle for yoda, moulding the ear shapes myself.
I thought I was going to cry when I was piping on the details but overall I was happy with the finished product and he seemed to like them!
I don't really feel in a position to post instructions because I am really a beginner at sugar craft and these were far from perfect!
I'm posting a few pictures to show people that you don't have to be an expert to do this kind of thing.
Happy baking!

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